Well I've had this secret And I feel it's time that you_歌词全文

Ainosonia 2023-8-19 0

Well I've had this secret And I feel it's time that you_歌词全文


歌曲专辑:Nightmare of You

演唱歌手:Nightmare of You

My Name Is Trouble歌词

Well I've had this secret
And I feel it's time that you should know
When I'm in your arms it turns me on
But I've got a conscience too
And it says my heart's never in tune
With anything I do
So this is the last time that I'll hold your hand
I want to kiss you on the mouth and tell you
I'm your biggest fan
I'm your biggest fan
I've had this secret
And now it's time that you should know
I was wrong to string you along
But circulating the streets in the pulsing heat
I scoured your town, completely aroused
And making love to your memory
So this is the last time that I'll hold your hand
I want to kiss you on the mouth and tell you
I'm your biggest fan
This is the last time that I'll hold your hand
I want to kiss you on the mouth and tell you
I'm your biggest fan
Sad minion of mine
Don't be so unkind
I know I stole your coat
You can have this song I wrote
I've just crossed the line
From fashion to crime
It's such a perfect fit
When I am wearing it
Sad minion of mine
Don't be so unkind
I know I stole your coat
You can have this song I wrote
I've just crossed the line
From fashion to crime
So this is the last time that I'll hold your hand
I want to kiss you on the mouth and tell you
I'm your biggest fan
This is the last time that I'll hold your hand
I want to kiss you on the mouth and tell you
I'm your biggest fan
So this is the last time that I'll hold your hand
I wanna kiss you on the mouth and tell you
I'm your biggest fan
I'm your biggest fan
上面是千思维歌单网提供歌曲My Name Is Trouble的歌词全文和下载地址,My Name Is Trouble原唱是谁,是谁唱的,是什么歌的等内容。

My Name Is Trouble评论

若是连相思也容不下 总还容得我这个海贼王
mark, How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow?
万尺之秋霜:这里用的是唐·刘知畿《史通·杂说上》:“谈恩惠是煦如春日,纪严切则凛若秋霜。”(引用百度百科)秋霜指的是刀锋 落花流水:落下的花顺水流而下,春日景色。比喻时间过的空乏。另一层意思是,水托着花,花衬着水,指男女互相情投意合。

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