Your love is fading, I can feel your love fading Woman _是什么歌

本是壹粒塵 2024-3-22 0

Your love is fading, I can feel your love fading Woman _是什么歌


歌曲专辑:Best Of Rod Stewart Featuring "Reason To Believe"

演唱歌手:Rod Stewart

(I Know) I'm Losing You歌词

Your love is fading, I can feel your love fading
Woman it's fading away from me
'Cause your personal touch has grown cold
As if someone else controls your very soul
I fooled myself as long as I can
Can feel the presence of another man
It's there when you speak my name, it's just not the same
Oh, honey I'm losing you
I can feel it in the air, it's there everywhere
Oh, I'm losing you
I can feel it in my bones, any day you'll be up and gone
Oh, I'm losing you
It's all over your face, someone's takin' my place
Could it be that I'm losing you?
When I look into your eyes a reflection of a face I see
Oh Lord I'm losing you
I'm hurt, downhearted and worried, girl
'Cause that face doesn't belong to me
Your love is fadin', can feel it fadin'
Oh, away from me
Can feel it in the air, it's there everywhere
Ooo, I'm losing you
I don't wanna lose you
But I know I'm gonna groove you
Oh Lord I'm losing you
Get out, woo
Ooo yeah, get down there
Get down there
I don't wanna lose you
But I know I gotta groove you
Oh Lord I'm losing you
And I'm losin' you
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Your love is fadin', I can feel it fadin'
Oh Lord I'm losing you
上面是千思维歌单网提供歌曲(I Know) I'm Losing You的歌词全文和下载地址,(I Know) I'm Losing You原唱是谁,是谁唱的,是什么歌的等内容。

(I Know) I'm Losing You评论

有匪这本书哪里是言情可以概括的。它是一个江湖的故事 。是看着当初一腔孤勇的少年一步一个脚印历经险阻成为睥睨天下的一方大能。少年仍是少年 他们还是那个 一腔热血的少年
「Your affection kills me...」。
勾肩搭背不也是果果的专辑嘛 秃鹰只是feat了几首???
我把你好好的归还人海 山海可平 日月可倾 你我人山人海 从此星河不滚烫 再无理想
听不懂,但可以感觉得到... [爱心]
一开始只玩线下剧情的时候那上百小时全停留在non stop pop还有隔壁rock music上直到进入了线上时有一次旁边人在撕逼,我找了辆警车逃跑的时候恰巧就是这首歌,我还特地按住Q键看了看。之后这个就是上车后的第一个电台~ 不论是肝CEO运货还是竞速

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